Effects of mutations to spike of SARS-CoV-2 XBB.1.5 on escape from serum antibodies (sera from human XBB breakthrough infections), spike-mediated cell entry, and ACE2 binding as measured in pseudotyped lentiviral deep mutational scanning experiments

This is is an interactive chart. Mouseover points for details and measurements, and use the top zoom bar to zoom in on specific sites. The options at the bottom let you only show escape for sites with some minimal functional effect, choose the site summary metric, or floor the escape at zero.

The line plots at top show the escape at each site across all sera and for individual sera, and the heatmaps show the effects of individual mutations on sera escape or functions of the protein.

Analysis by Dadonaite et al, bioRxiv, DOI 10.1101/2023.11.13.566961 (2023).

See https://github.com/dms-vep/SARS-CoV-2_XBB.1.5_spike_DMS for code/data.