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Deep mutational scanning of H5 influenza HA

Experimental measurements of how mutations to HA of clade strain A/American Wigeon/South Carolina/USDA-000345-001/2021 (H5N1) affect molecular phenotypes relevant to pandemic risk.


This website contains results from pseudovirus deep mutational scanning experiments that measure the effects of mutations to the hemagglutinin (HA) of the clade strain A/American Wigeon/South Carolina/USDA-000345-001/2021 (H5N1) on several key molecular phenotypes.

The paper describing this study is Dadonaite et al (2024). However, note that this page may be updated from the version in that paper. To get the release exactly describing to the paper as well as seeing any updates, look at the CHANGELOG.

The links in the boxes above take you to interactive plots or descriptions of different aspects of the study. For a high-level overview, see the summary of how mutations affect all phenotypes, or examine the data in a structural context using this dms-viz link. To delve into the data in more detail, click on the boxes above for each individual phenotype.

You can also examine the output of the full computational pipeline and look at the underlying code on GitHub. Here is a CSV file of the numerical values of the measurements with pre-filtering for high-confidence values.

HA phenotypes measured in this study

This study measures how mutations affect four HA phenotypes:

  • HA-mediated entry into 293T cells: positive values indicate better entry than the parental HA, negative values indicate impaired entry.
  • HA stability: positive values indicate greater stability (tolerance to more acidic conditions) than the parental HA.
  • a2,6 sialic acid usage: positive values indicate improved usage of a2,6 sialic acids.
  • Escape from serum antibody neutralization: positive values indicate reduced neutralization by serum, negative values indicate more neutralization.

schematic of phenotypes measured