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Heatmaps represent one of the best ways to explore deep mutational scanning data. This page contains links to various heatmaps, which show the effects of mutations on three different phenotypes: cell entry, receptor binding, and antibody escape.


Hover over the heatmaps to see more information about each mutation. An 'X' represents the amino acid found at that site in the unmutated Nipah Malaysia sequence.

Entry Heatmaps

Effects of all mutations on entry in CHO cells expressing different bat receptors.

Entry with bat ephrin-B2

Entry with bat ephrin-B3

Binding Heatmaps


Mutations with low cell entry scores are masked in dark gray.

Binding to bat ephrin-B2 (monomeric)

Binding to bat ephrin-B3 (dimeric)

Antibody Escape Heatmaps


Mutations with low cell entry scores are masked in dark gray. If protein structure is available, distance in angstroms to the closest antibody residue is shown.

m102.4 Antibody Escape

HENV-117 Antibody Escape

HENV-26 Antibody Escape

HENV-103 Antibody Escape

HENV-32 Antibody Escape

nAH1.3 Antibody Escape

Heatmaps of Specific Receptor Binding Protein Regions


Click arrow in upper right to view full-sized plots

Contact sites

Effects of mutations on cell entry and binding at receptor contact sites. Receptor contact sites are less constrained for entry in CHO cells expressing bat ephrin-B2 than CHO cells expressing bat ephrin-B3. This is likely due to ~25-fold higher receptor affinity of the receptor binding protein to ephrin-B2 versus ephrin-B3.

Effects of mutations on cell entry and binding at glycosylation sites

Nipah RBP has six sites that are glycosylated. One in the neck (site 159) and five in the head. Here are the effects of mutations on entry and binding.

Effects of mutations on cell entry and binding at polymorphic Nipah sites

These sites are polymorphic in Nipah sequences. Most of these sites tolerate multiple mutations.

Effects of mutations on cell entry, organized by type of the unmutated amino acid residue

The effects of mutations organized by the unmutated amino acid type. Strong preference for certain amino acids can be seen in certain regions. For example, portions of the stalk only tolerate hydrophobic residues (see sites 101-160 below).


Notebook that makes all heatmaps from filtered DMS data. Make figures for manuscript using python and altair.

Heatmap notebook

Built by Brendan Larsen and Jesse Bloom