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Receptor Binding

To understand how mutations affect binding to ephrin receptors, we performed selections on our pseudovirus libraries with soluble bat ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3. Neutralization of pseudovirus variants serves as a proxy for receptor binding. Neutralization curves were fit with polyclonal.

Pseudoviruses expressing unmutated Nipah virus receptor binding and fusion proteins were neutralized by soluble bat ephrin receptors.

Ephrin neutralization of pseudoviruses expressing unmutated Nipah receptor binding and fusion proteins.

Individual Receptor Binding Selections

Individual antibody selection model fitting notebooks









Average Receptor Binding

These notebooks average effects of mutations on receptor binding across libraries and replicate selections.



Comprehensive Receptor Binding Heatmaps

Additional control over filtering parameters. Users can adjust different parameters to filter the heatmap data. These provide more information and control compared to the final filtered heatmaps provided on the heatmaps page.

bEFNB2-monomeric heatmap

bEFNB3-dimeric heatmap

Binding Correlations

Effects of mutations on binding to bat ephrin-B2 and bat ephrin-B3, with mutations of interest highlighted

Binding Validations

Binding Validation by Biolayer Interferometry

To validate our DMS binding measurements, we tested binding affinity by biolayer interferometry. Notebook analyzing biolayer interferometry data and plotting correlations.

Correlation of biolayer interferometry affinity measurements with deep mutational scanning measurements

Binding Validation by Neutralization

We also tested neutralization of individual mutations expressed on pseudoviruses with soluble bat ephrin-B2 (monomeric) or bat ephrin-B3 (dimeric). Individual mutations affect neutralizing potency by soluble receptor. Binding validations notebook

Neutralization of receptor binding protein mutant pseudoviruses and correlation with deep mutational scanning.

Analysis Notebooks

Notebook analyzing receptor binding from filtered data. Make figures for manuscript using python and altair.

Binding analysis notebook

Raw Data

Built by Brendan Larsen and Jesse Bloom